9 Tiny Upgrades for Managing and Organizing Your Classroom

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A neat, tidy, and comfortable classroom is a key contributor to a successful school year (and saving a teacher’s sanity). Below are a few fun, easy, out-of-the-box classroom organization and classroom management ideas:   1. Hanging Curtains You may not think of curtains as management tools, but making the environment more comfortable by blocking bright […]

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Appreciating the Teachers Who Inspire Invention

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It’s no surprise that Teacher Appreciation Week falls smack in the middle of National Inventors Month! After all, teachers are our first cheerleaders, inspiring us to get creative, try new things, and realize that failing is part of learning—all critical aspects of innovation and the invention process. So, to our former teachers, our kids’ current […]

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A Surprising (and Simple) Way to Support Standardized Test Takers

Limited space and logistical issues mean many students are taking standardized tests in their own classrooms. Your state or testing agency will provide a list of what’s not permitted in the classroom, but some tools and templates ARE allowed, including some that remind students about the strategies, rules, and templates they can employ to think through various test questions. Adding […]

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New Year, Clean Classroom!

clean classroom

A new year is the perfect time for a fresh, clean start – at home and in the classroom! Teachers and homeschoolers can start the year off right with these five magnetic organizational tools designed to reduce clutter and waste and keep everything in its place. Say goodbye to dingy, dirty, peeling hall passes you can […]

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5 Holiday Gifts Teachers Actually Want

Teacher holiday gifts

Your child’s teacher is one of their biggest cheerleaders, working hard everyday to help them learn, grow, and achieve their fullest potential, their way. You can thank the tireless teachers in your life this holiday season with gifts that make their job easier and way more fun, like these five favorite teacher gifts from Dowling […]

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Let’s Make Some Magic


  Hocus pocus, abracadabra, and alakazam – the last week of October is National Magic Week, and October 31 is National Magic Day! Many kids (and lots of adults, too) are fascinated by magic tricks. From pulling a rabbit out of a hat or a coin from behind an ear to making a feather float […]

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Shake Up Your Homeschool Routine – With Magnets!

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Whether your homeschool schedule lasted through the summer and you’re ready for a refresh or you’re just getting back into the September swing of things, the educational experts at Dowling Magnets are here to help! We’re sharing 12 of our favorite hands-on educational homeschooling products, each designed to engage your students, boost curiosity, and build […]

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Teacher Tools That Get Kids EXCITED!

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Sad to say, but, at least for most students and teachers, summer is over. If they haven’t gone back already, families are prepping for the first day of school and teachers are busy preparing lesson plans, organizing classrooms, and sorting out supplies. That’s where we come in! The educational experts at Dowling Magnets have pulled […]

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Put a Stopper In Summer Brain Drain

Summer’s here! Time for Slushie brain freezes, cannonball contests, picnics in the park, and, unfortunately, summer slide. According to recent research, students in grades 1-8 can lose up to 34% of their school year gains over the summer and, on average, kids lose about a month’s worth of learning, forcing teachers to backtrack at the […]

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The Years Fly By…

calendar years

If you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of teachers who purchased our best-selling Giant Magnetic Calendar Set in years gone by, we’ve got great news for you. We’re offering a free, downloadable update to extend the life of your calendar set! Simply click here to view print this set of six colorful graphics for […]

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