Appreciating the Teachers Who Inspire Invention

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It’s no surprise that Teacher Appreciation Week falls smack in the middle of National Inventors Month! After all, teachers are our first cheerleaders, inspiring us to get creative, try new things, and realize that failing is part of learning—all critical aspects of innovation and the invention process. So, to our former teachers, our kids’ current […]

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Teacher Tools That Get Kids EXCITED!

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Sad to say, but, at least for most students and teachers, summer is over. If they haven’t gone back already, families are prepping for the first day of school and teachers are busy preparing lesson plans, organizing classrooms, and sorting out supplies. That’s where we come in! The educational experts at Dowling Magnets have pulled […]

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The Science Fair Is Coming! The Science Fair Is Coming!

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The holidays are over, the new year has begun, and science fair season will be here before you know it. This year, attract some serious attention (and sneak in some hardcore STEM learning) with these mind-bending magnet projects: View a Magnificent Magnetic Field (grades K–5) Get a close-up look at the mystery of magnetism! Explore […]

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A Kit for Every Kid

Blog: A Kit for Every Kid < If you have a future scientist in training, the Super Science Magnet Kit offers hours of fun that will encourage further interest in science and finding out how the world works. This is just one example how Dowling offers gifts that combine fun with learning. If your young scholar enjoys […]

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