Appreciating the Teachers Who Inspire Invention

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It’s no surprise that Teacher Appreciation Week falls smack in the middle of National Inventors Month! After all, teachers are our first cheerleaders, inspiring us to get creative, try new things, and realize that failing is part of learning—all critical aspects of innovation and the invention process. So, to our former teachers, our kids’ current […]

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Women’s History Month: Women in STEM Magnetism

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Throughout history, women have made significant contributions in fields ranging from economics and civil engineering to yes, you guessed it, science! For example, Ada Lovelace wrote what’s considered the first computer code. Chemist Katharin Blodgett is credited with creating the world’s first clear glass. And on a hot, sunny day, thank Nancy Johnson for inventing the […]

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Four Fun Ways to Use Engineering Design Process Magnets!!

Engineering Design whiteboard

We asked, you answered… and now we’re sharing! (What can we say – we’re very social!) We showed our Engineering Design Process Magnets to teachers around the country, and they came back with four fun ways to use this handy, STEM-based set. With four different activities and colorful, clear magnets for the Ask, Imagine, Plan, […]

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